Do you find what you're looking for?


Search your company database with just one search query. It's as easy as it gets.
Go to Intuitive user interface

Intuitive user interface

Resembling the worlds biggest search engine, our zubIT -EnterpriseSearch puts the focus on the ease of use aspect of modern applications, though you can still filter for keywords. The combination of these parts forms an intuitive and easy to use application that can still search for complex search queries.

Go to SharePoint connectivity

SharePoint connectivity

The zubIT-EnterpriseSearch features a full implementation for Microsoft Sharepoint. You can also search your intra- and internet pages next to you saved files. All your Sharepoint files can be indexed and searched by our zubIT-EnterpriseSearch, no matter the amount of sharepoint servers you are using.

Go to Office 365 connectivity

Office 365 connectivity

Are you using Microsoft Office 365 with a cloud? Don’t worry. We can even search files and documents saved online on your servers. This way you can search for your appointments, emails and contacts.

Go to Your application

Your application

The zubIT-EnterpriseSearch gives you the opportunity to search your own software by using APIs. Our EnterpriseSearch comes with a connectivity to most standard-applications. If you’re using an application that is not yet featured, we are happy to help.

Swift and sound

Don't waste any time!

The significance of collecting data received a big boost over the last couple of years. Therefore more and more companies are facing the task to manage the files for ease of use. Nowadays the desired information might be retrieved from different sources. You might find an order in your email inbox, your crm or wms. Usually not one single file leads to the desired information, and this is where the zubIT-EnterpriseSearch comes into play. All of your data sources are being searched with our zubIT-EnterpriseSearch. No more switching through different applications looking for specific information.


Julian Jansen

Application architect

Marc Zühlke

Search source architect
Integration of Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Sharepoint with our zubIT-EnterpriseSearch

Carsten Bieker

Search pattern architect
Implementation of intuitive search terms combined with powerful keywords to filter the search.

Gregor Stefka

Database analytics
Analysing and optimisation of the database search
